Cut Up and Trim Down

Sale price €24,95

Want to start at the very beginning? This course will learn you how to Cut and Trim on your timeline!

This course provides you with a foundation for working with cutting and trimming clips in Adobe Premiere Pro. It is almost the first step in your editing process. This course is very good for the ones who want to know the basic parts of editing in Premiere Pro.

What does this course offer?  

  • Everything about cutting and trimming in 20 min.
  • A step by step guide how to work in your timeline
  • Explanation by voice over and film screen
  • Help from our expert during/after the course 

After this course you will know everything about Cutting and Trimming and you will be able to implement it into your edits.

Our mission is to help editors become the best version of themselves. Our goal is to reach all you guys and make learning to edit affordable.

Keep going and let's make sure you will be a master at it!